How Efficient Is Aromatherapy For Kids During School Hours?
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone, including kids. While kids are now used to online classes, they will eventually get back to classroom learning in school, and the shift, especially after almost a year, won’t be an easy one. The benefits of aromatherapy are well-known, but is aromatherapy a good choice for kids during the school hours? Here’s a look at the basics.
Stress and anxiety in the classroom
While some kids suffer from anxiety, others are often fidgety in the classroom. Various blends of essential oils in aromatherapy may actually help kids. Essential oils are known to have many health benefits and have been used in the wellness industry for decades. Before that, aromatherapy was used in traditional medicine and lifestyle for centuries. When it comes to your kids, aromatherapy can help them in calming down, especially during school hours. Websites like have amazing essential oil blends that are particularly good for kids and children.
Essential oils have real benefits
Some essential oils, such as sage and peppermint, are associated with boosting memory and are often used in aromatherapy diffusers. Also, the right essential oil can calm down your kid during the learning sessions, and he may be able to focus better. Truth be told, even in early school years, students deal with unexpected pressure, and having essential oils diffused in the classroom only makes the ambience more relaxing and calming. Of course, the right choice of aromatherapy oils does matter, and some work better than others. The idea is to allow your child feel as normal and stress-free in the classroom as possible, and aromatherapy is one of the natural ways of ensuring that.
Safe for kids
Most aromatherapy oils are known to be safe for kids, especially when used in a diffuser. Of course, using essential oils directly on the skin is never recommended, but in a classroom, just diffusing some lemongrass or lavender oil can ease the atmosphere. Also, children are likely to feel attentive and fresh in the classroom, which only aids the learning process. Make sure that your child is not allergic to the essential oils that are being used, or else, you may want to inform the teacher.
Using aromatherapy for your kid at home
Beyond the classroom, you can use a mix of aromatherapy oils at home, as well. Essential oils such as eucalyptus and thyme are great for indoor air purification anyway, and you can find a wide range of products to choose from. Also, note that essential oils are extremely concentrated, and you literally need a couple of drops. For instance, one small drop of peppermint oil is same as more than 24 cups of peppermint tea. The tip here is not to go overboard with essential oils when it comes to using these products in your kids’ bedroom.
Ensure that you use the best quality and therapeutic grade essential oils, and do take their feedback on how they like the ambience and aroma. Aromatherapy, in general, has no major side effects.