Why Men Love Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal has been having a powerful impact on the beauty world, but what you may not realize is how much it is taking hold with men as well as women. Laser hair removal has some significant advantages for men looking for convenient solutions to hair removal. Here are a few of the reasons why men who’ve tried it secretly adore laser hair removal.
A Semi-Permanent Solution
Unlike most other attempts at solving the hair removal problem, laser hair removal offers very long-term results. Some people find that they can go months between treatments while others find that they can go years. For men who are sick of dealing with getting rid of unwanted hair and want to see it gone once and for all, laser hair removal offers a great solution.
Lightens and Thins Hair
Many times when men are looking for hair removal solutions, they aren’t as interested in entirely getting rid of the hair as they are in making it less visible. Hair on the back, shoulders, etc would not be a problem if it were not very thick and dark.
For this reason, laser hair removal is an exceptionally good solution. Laser hair removal can significantly lighten and thin hair with only a few treatments. Men who want less visible hair but aren’t worried about perfectly smooth skin may find this to be an ideal solution.
Doesn’t Leave Ingrown Hairs or Sharp Stubs
Men who are sick of shaving are probably annoyed by how time-consuming it can be and how briefly the results last. However, you are likely also seeking out another solution because of the frustration of ingrown hairs and sharp stubs left after shaving.
Men who have thick, hard hairs are more likely to be bothered by these kinds of problems. Laser hair removal can make hair softer while it works so that even if you keep shaving, you won’t have to worry as much about ingrown hairs and sharp edges.
Many men don’t want to have to worry about spending a lot of time at a salon or dermatologist regularly to have treatment. This may have been a problem with traditional solutions for laser hair removal, but now that there are extremely high-quality, safe, effective at-home hair removal solutions, men can take care of unwanted hair monthly in the privacy of their own home.
For many men, this opens up laser hair removal as a viable option where they may not have considered it in the past. Here are a few tips for succeeding with an at-home hair removal routine:
- Avoid sun exposure. Sun exposure can cause unwanted pigment changes to your skin from about two weeks to about a month before and after treatment. Avoid sun exposure and use a very high-quality sunscreen if you need to be out in the sun.
- Don’t rush it. You want a permanent solution fast, and you don’t mind a little bit of pain, so you may feel tempted to treat more often than the recommended once a month. This may cause serious effects for your skin and is unlikely to cause your results to come faster.
- Stick to a schedule. It can be hard to remember to remove hair once a month, but unless you stick to a schedule and remove hair at the same time every month, you may delay progress.
- Don’t use any other kinds of hair removal. It can be frustrating to have to keep shaving while your laser hair removal system is working, but using any other kind of hair removal technique can set you back.
Does Laser Hair Removal Work For All Men?
Laser hair removal isn’t equally effective for everyone. The lasers work on melanin in the hair follicles. When light from the laser touches the melanin, it is absorbed and turns into heat, which damages the hair follicle and prevents hair from growing back or makes hair lighter and thinner. If you don’t have melanin in your hair or if you have the same type of melanin in your hair and skin, laser therapy won’t be as effective.
For people who have dark skin and dark hair the same color as their skin, laser therapy may be less effective, although great strides have been made for the effectiveness of laser hair removal for men with dark skin since this technology was invented.
If you have very light blond, red, gray, or white hair, laser hair therapy will not be effective for you. Because the laser relies on melanin to work, only hair that contains sufficient melanin will be affected.
Get Started With Laser Hair Removal
If you think that laser hair removal is just for women, think again. It can be a great solution for men whether you want to treat at home or go to the dermatologist. For anyone who wants a nearly permanent solution for unwanted hair, laser hair removal is a great answer.